Hrönir: Un-Lost Things takes its name from Jorge Luis Borges’ short story Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius. “Hrönir” are objects that, once lost, have been found–but they are duplicated and somehow affected by having been lost, or by having been found. The same missing pencil may be found by two separate individuals, with each finding a version of the pencil they expect to find. Hrönir are distorted by expectation and memory, but as personalized facsimiles of the original are valid and very real objects.
For the first group show hosted by BFP Creative, 80 artists were asked to “recreate something lost,” effectively using art to manufacture something like hrönir in the real world. The resulting work ranges from heartfelt and tragic to humorous, irreverent takes on things lost.
Featuring work by:
Liz Atzberger, Nancy Baker, Franca Barone, James Bascara, Melinda Beck, Gregory Benton, Nathan Bond, Paul Brainard, Adam Brasil, Iain Burke, Richard Ray Chan, Beata Chrzanowska, Ehren Clodfelter, Jaynie Crimmins, William Crosby, Leigh Cunningham, Daniel Davidson, Travis DeMello, Burr Dodd, Kevin Doyle, Maureen Drennan, Jackson Falor-Ward, Lori Field, Ed Flanagan, Ryan Michael Ford, MaDora Frey, Linnéa Gad, Paul Gagner, Langdon Graves, Hunter Heckroth, Jen Hitchings, Chloe Isip, Jordin Isip, Simone Isip, Roberto Jamora, Nils Karsten, Tricia Keightley, Hannah Lee, Kristen Leonard, Rachel Levit, Melissa Ling, Kristen Liu-Wong, Monique Mantell, Eliot Markell, Maya Rose Meissner, Merz, Kit Mills, Kymia Nawabi, Jon Newman, Nora Normile, Brian O’Neill, Galia Offri, Julia Oldham + Chad Stayrook, HyunJin Alex Park, Helena Parriott, Maritsa Patrinos, Don Pablo Pedro, Chelsey Pettyjohn, Rachel Pontious, Monica Ramos, Julee Rieu, Scott Robinson, Marina Ross, Jonny Ruzzo, Hazel Lee Santino, Hiba Schahbaz, Rachel Schmidhofer, Kelsey Shwetz, Paula Searing, Andrew Smenos, Josie Stevenson, Christopher Stout, Ulrike Theusner, Jeanne Tremel, Michela Vinton, Oliver Warden, Frank Webster, Eric White, James Yang.
Organized by Hazel Lee Santino for BFP Creative.
Installation view, in galleries 105 and 104.

A selection of pieces from the show: